MDickie Wiki

A complete Wiki about the game Extra Lives from developer Mdickie:

*Save your changes to all characters!

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*Start with any character!

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You can customize your profile like stats, costumes, moves, and team.

How To Cure Yourself From Becoming A Zombie?[]

  1. The first and easiest way is using potions.
  2. Just throw a potion on the zombies to heal them.
  3. Combine diamond with any food to make potion.
  4. Injecting a syringe into zombies is another way to heal them.
  5. Make a syringe & inject into zombies.
  6. Watch How I am healing blood sucking monsters.

7. Let a master cure you
8. Get your hunger full (or health i forgot)


MDickie's unique brand of violence culminates in the biggest and bloodiest adventure yet.

See how long you can survive in a world full of brainless zombies and heartless humans! Develop unique relationships with 200 other characters spread across 8 warring factions - each with their own beliefs about what the problem is and how to solve it. Explore over 50+ different locations on your journey to restore order to every corner of the city, with hundreds of interactive objects to help you along the way. Featuring an above-average combat system from the Wrestling Revolution series, uniforms and items provided by Wrestling Revolution, Popscene, School Days, Hard Time, Super City, And Wrecked, tearing enemies apart has never been so satisfying! (Read the description of The game)

Although the game is mostly free to play, you can upgrade to enhance your experience. Start with a character of your creation and save your changes to all others to make the world your own. You can even choose how many zombies you start with to either dive in at the deep end or ensure a slow build. Full access to the special "Deathmatch" mode also gives you all the fun of slaying/killing zombies with none of the pressure at all!


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A comparison of the two-handed and one-handed controls

Extra Live features both the traditional one-handed control system found in games like Hard Times and Super City as well as the newer two-handed system first used in Wrecked, And Super City

Two-Handed System[]

The two-handed system is the default control used in Extra Lives. It allows for full utility of both hands, allowing for instance a character to dual-wield weapons or hold a weapon with a shield. Note however that a character can only utilise 1 aimed weapon (pistol, revolver, machine gun, crossbow, laser rifle, etc.) at a time. If 2 aimed weapons are picked-up, the character can use neither of them. However, melee weapons have no such restrictions and can be dual-wielded or paired with an aimed weapon.

  • Moving involves pressing any of the directional buttons. To run, double-tap any of these directional buttons.
  • The RED fist buttons allow you to attack from either side.
  • The BLUE hand buttons allow you to pick-up or drop with the itex directional button and press the pick-up button corresponding to the hand which the item is held (e.g., hold left directional button and left pick-up button to throw item held by left hand to the left)
  • Pressing both attack and pick-up buttons on either side will attempt to use what is in that hand - such as eating food or reading books (notice that some actions may cause you to swap hands to use them properly).
  • Pressing both pick-up b
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    Your energy level affects your ability to lift furniture as well.

    Both hands can also be used to pick up larger furniture such as boxes, tables, refrigerators, etc. so long as there are no other items in proximity. Note that your energy level affects how you pick up a furniture. When your energy level is normal (beyond a threshold), you can lift furniture above your head and subsequently throw them in any direction. This is useful in instances such as throwing oil barrels to damage enemies or throwing refrigerators to acquire food. Below that same threshold, you are only able to hold the furniture at waist level and will not be able to throw it.
  • Pressing both attack buttons together will attempt to grab your opponent (press again to release or any other combination of buttons to execute moves).
  • To allow the character to sleep, touch the Health Meter. This is unlike earlier games where the character is only able to sleep by accessing the options table (via touching the clock)
  • Combine anything with a diamond pressing both the R and P buttons at the same time. Then you should have a potion. You can break it by pressing the P button and then it will turn you human again. Or you can just drink it by pressing T diamonds can be found by smashing rocks btw and breaking or drinking potions while human will turn you into a zombie!!!

One-Handed System[]

The traditional one-handed system comprises 5 buttons, A, G, R, P, T. S In a one-handed system, the character is only able to pick up a single item that may be disadvantageous in Extra Lives.(in new version use one-handed system you can pick up 2 item)

  • Moving involves pressing any of the directional buttons. To run, press R.
  • Press A+G to block attacks. (It works in this game. It may not work in other games.)
  • Press A to kill.
  • Press P to pick up or drop an item. To throw the item, hold the directional button and press P.
  • Press T to use an item
  • Press R+P sets fire to the item on the ground. This no longer works in extra lives).
  • Press the G button to grab the opponent. Pressing A after grabbing will execute a wrestling move.
  • To allow the character to sleep, touch the Health Meter. This is unlike earlier games where the character is only able to sleep by accessing the options table (via touching the clock)


Extra Lives consist of 9 factions in total. Each of these factions has different interpretations, as well as solutions, regarding dealing with the zombie apocalypse. This ultimately causes friction amongst factions.

  1. Loners - A faction for any faction-unaffiliated characters, which is the default faction the player starts in.
  2. Masters - A religious group, which discourages violence against humans or zombies alike and works towards curing zombies and maintaining peace, they can also cure you if you are a zombie. (Or if you start a fight with them they will instead turn you into a zombie)
  3. Natives - A tribe comprising natives from the Wrecked island. Hostile against zombies and outsiders, they mostly live in the far East part of the map on the Beach and are extremely isolationist. It is rare to see Natives in areas outside the remote areas of the map.
  4. Survivors - A faction consisting of preppers, farmers and other people who claim that a return to pre-outbreak society is impossible (unlike the civilians), and thus prefer to live sustainably and adapt to the new world.
  5. Civilians - A faction consisting of civilians working to restore society as it was before
  6. Protesters - A rebel group standing up for the "trans-living" and believes in giving blood to the zombies and transforming people into them. They are very aggressive and it is best to avoid them, though they are often not very formidable in combat.
  7. Fighters - A faction consisting of wrestlers, and boxers from Wrestling Revolution who want to fight zombies in melee combat. They are very rarely seen using ranged weapons such as firearms.
  8. Soldiers - A militarist group consisting of soldiers, police, cyborg and ghostbuster characters from Hard Time. They mostly reside in the Police Station and want to lock up all the zombies in prison, although the faction does not discipline or remove members who kill zombies.
  9. Rogues - A group comprising characters from popular literature and media who take advantage of society crumbling to commit crimes and murders, most of the people in this group feel that society has mistreated them so at that point they do not care about the lives of people in other factions, giving you the most freedom.

These are the factions' default home base (home base change when there's no one else beside you and an NPCs that is the same faction as you):

  • Loner : Bedroom
  • Civilians : Rooftop
  • Rogue : Sewer
  • Master : Church
  • SurvivorFarm
  • Soldiers : Police station
  • Fighter: Arena
  • Native: Beach
  • Protesters: School

When you decide to change your faction's home base, a faction member will tell you that the place is perfect or tell you that it was a mistake changing the faction home base.

Some useful stuff to know about some factions:

  • Natives, Masters, Survivors, Civilians and especially Protesters don't always appreciate you when you've killed a zombie that is either a former member or used to be in the same faction as them.
  • Despite Masters disallowing violence against humans and zombies, one can still make death threats to the player. However they still cannot harm the player in any way. Unless you are enemies with them.
  • Master is by far the most strict faction because they have a lot of restrictions. Those are murder, dismembering, eating meat, having a lover, fighting and stealing.

If you kill a faction member, a faction member will tell you that their whole faction will attempt to kill you. Even your friends of that faction will try to kill you too. However, Masters won't try to kill you though. Unless you are enemies with them

Basing Up[]

If you want to change your home base, go to the location you want and kill everyone who isn't in your faction. People might get angry at you for killing those people in your desired base. Only have you and another faction member in the area and go beside them to base up. If there are like 5 faction members (ones on your side,) wait until they leave then you can base. I would recommend Subway because it has a train right next to it and if you get a mission extremely far off you can use the train to get there.

Energy and Hunger[]

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A character with an average energy level and a nearly depleted hunger bar.

The key to maintaining your character's health is to ensure the energy and hunger bars are as full as possible

The top energy bar is essentially the health bar of the character. When fully depleted, the character either dies or becomes a zombie, though there is also a chance that your playable character is revived by an NPC. Sleeping allows one to fill up the energy bar, at the cost of draining the hunger bar. Sleeping on furniture such as a bed, table or even a coffin can give higher rates of energy regeneration while consuming the same amount of hunger. While at the Church location, praying (activated by tapping the energy bar) similarly refills the energy bar, but a key difference is that one can fully fill the energy bar even when the hunger bar has been completely depleted.

  1. The lower hunger bar drains at a constant rate, but the drain rate increases when the character is running or engaged in activities like attacking, grappling, etc. To fill the hunger bar, one has to locate sources of food and consume them by pressing both attack and pick-up buttons (or T in one-handed mode). Multiple foods are to be consumed before the bar can be filled if it was completely depleted before. The most easily available source of food is from animals and plants. Half-destroying a tree or bush have a chance to yield you an edible fruit or vegetable, as will killing animals, destroying vending machines or dismembering live humans, which yields you meat. See the Consumables section for more details about food items.


Death occurs when your energy bar is completely depleted and your character faints if he doesn't survive after it happens. If one does not turn into a zombie and is neither permanently dead (i.e. you have to start a new game), various outcomes may occur. Due to the zombie spawning mechanic of the game, the chances of a revival are much less compared with Wrecked. If your toughness level is high, you have a very unlikely change of dying. If you get your head dismembered, you'll automatically die regardless of what happens next

  1. When an NPC tells you to take care of your health in the future. You usually respawn in your home base or the hospital when this occurs.
  2. An ally revives you, saying that news of your death is 'fake news', and he had kept you alive to prove it.
  3. An opposing faction revives you, asking you to join and pledge allegiance to them in exchange for saving your life. Rejection of this offer results in permanent death. However, this can be avoided by exiting the menu while in-dialogue before an option shows up for you to choose to join the opposing faction.
  4. An enemy saves your life and tells you that he/she has kept you alive long enough to watch you die. You smoothly die. But This can also be avoided by exiting the game menu while in dialogue.


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Various angles of attack by a zombie

A character can turn into a zombie if he dies or uses a syringe/potion as a human. When this happens, the screen darkens for a few seconds, until you get reborn as a zombie. As a zombie, you gain increased strength at the cost of greater fragility, hence the likelihood of limb loss increases. To turn back into a human, the zombie must consume human flesh or food items seemingly containing meat. Such as pizza, meat,hamburger etc. to regain their health. And fill their energy bar to full, or seek an antidote. The syringe and potion containing the purple liquid are the only items that can cure a zombie if consumed.. Drinking the potion and stabbing yourself with the syringe (by pressing T) are the most reliable options, however if you no longer have hands with which to hold these items, having someone else stab you with the syringe or smash the bottle over your head also heals you. However, one can also seek someone from a Master who can restore you to your human state when you are grabbed by the Master. When cured, you return to the same initial number of limbs before you turned into a zombie. (i.e., a zombie with no limbs becomes a fully-limbed human when cured)

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A horde of zombies attack the player

Zombies have much lesser mobility than their human counterparts. They are unable to run and walk with a slow gait with arms outstretched. Zombies can dual-wield items as per normal (unless you use a One-handed control), but they cannot operate complex machinery, such as guns, flamethrowers, etc. and will only use these as a melee weapon, however, melee weapons work as per normal on zombies. For some reason, zombies may still operate vehicles like cars, motorcycles, or bikes?

Zombies can consume human flesh by biting parts of the human body. Depending on whether the zombie is on the ground or still walking, it can bite a human character on the neck, from behind the neck, or at the ankles. During such an attack, a zombie is most vulnerable and sensitive to throws or slams which can easily decapitate the zombie or dismember its limbs. Zombies are unable to sleep to regain energy, hence only consumption of flesh can increase their health, which at that point it needs to transform back into a human. A point to note is that energy bar depletion will not kill a zombie since it is already undead. A zombie is only killed when it loses its head.


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A character in the midst of crafting a cane, by combining the two ingredients.

Crafting is an essential component of Extra Lives, as it allows the player to gain access to better weaponry or equipment. It is accomplished through holding both pick-up buttons when carrying both ingredients, or by pressing R + P in one-handed mode. An in-game list provides crafting recipes for basic items, although the list is non-exhaustive and there are many secret recipes to be found. Recipes are divided into Hand Recipes which includes weapons and equipment, and Ground Recipes, which refer to environmental crafting such as planting of trees, shrubs, rocks. See recipes (placeholder) for a complete list of recipes.

Allies and Enemies[]

Having allies is important for survival. An ally NPC will aid the player if his character is attacked by an enemy NPC. Typically, all members of the same faction, (except Loners which are neutral to each other) are allies by default, unless you have offended a particular one of them. You can gain allies by doing things for others.

Gaining Allies[]

There are various ways of gaining an ally in case the particular NPC is hostile or neutral towards you, for both NPCs of the same of different factions. Allies can be changed by editing the 'Friends' tab in the editor, and while the display shows only the most recent ally, this overlaps with all your previous alliances.

  • Missions - You can gain an ally by completing missions assigned by the NPC player.
  • Gifts - Alternatively, you can befriend an NPC by picking up any random item and drop it next to a neutral (non-hostile) NPC in order to gift the item, but this has a small chance of backfiring and earning you an enemy instead.
  • Accepting Partnerships - An NPC of the same faction or another ally of a different faction may offer to team up with you. This occurs usually after defeating a common enemy, such as a zombie. Accepting the invitation will make the friendly NPC your partner, who will follow you as you travel around the map, which is highly useful especially when outnumbered. Rejecting the partnership will earn you an enemy, however.So it is recommended to accept the request since it does more good than harm.
  • Association - An hostile or neutral NPC may befriend you if you and the NPC have a mutual ally. After all, a friend of your friend is your friend.
    • "I didn't like you at first, (player name), but any friend of (mutual friend) is my friend of mine!"
    • "Hey (player name), I hear you know (mutual friend)? Well, any friend of his is a friend of mine as well!"
  • Killing Zombies - Doing acts of the common good, such as killing zombies, will earn you allies as well. This is usually preceded by an NPC comment "That was the XXXth zombie you've killed! I wish you were on our side..." or a variation of the above. Or may backfire depending if the witnesses, if the zombie killed is one's friend or ally they will react negatively. If one present is a Protester they will instead comment "That was the XXXth ex-person you've killed! You are the biggest monster on this world!"
  • Saving Lives - Saving a life, i.e. an NPC who was dying will usually earn you an ally. You can do so by pressing the grab button(s) while the NPC is lying on the floor unconscious or dying. However, this is a variable depending on the state of relation with the NPC. If the person you saved was hostile towards you before, there is still a chance that the NPC will still attack you. Some alternate scenarios include a member of his/her faction expressing their gratitude for saving the NPC (which earns you an ally) or an unrelated NPC being upset that you saved someone who they deemed unworthy of saving.
    • "Thanks for saving my life, (player name)! I'm not sure I could have lasted much longer..."
    • "Thanks for saving (rescued NPC), (player name)! We thought we've lost him back there.."
    • "Why did you have to interfere (player name)? You don't get to decide who lives or dies!"
    • "Why did you save (NPC name)? We'd be better off without him!"
  • Curing a Zombie - Turning a zombie back to a human through the use of the syringe or potion will cause the NPC to be grateful to you and gain you an ally. This can also occur via a mission given by another NPC to cure a certain Zombie. Again, there is a chance of the cured NPC remaining hostile if it was before.
    • "Thanks for curing me, (player name)! Being half-dead was worse than being 100% dead..."
    • "I swear I had no control over my body just now! It's like I was being controlled by somebody else..."
    • "Why did you cure me (player name)? Life is a responsibility I don't want!
  • Faction Invitations - Accepting invitations to join a faction will usually make the entire faction your allies. However, some members of your new faction will warn you to stay out of their way and will remain hostile. "We may be on the same side (player name), but we'll never be on the same page! Stay out of my way."
  • Murder - This applies to Rogues and Protesters faction NPCs only. They will comment "That's the XXXth person you've killed! Are you trying to break my record?" or "(Dead NPC) was the XXXth person you've killed! You're helping to make the world a better place." after you've killed another NPC not belonging to the Rogues or Protesters faction respectively.

Neutral NPC's[]

Through the use of limited physical force, hostile NPCs may be forced into submission and will no longer attack you. This is particularly useful especially if you do not want to kill the NPC when he/she is of the same faction or you are of the Master's faction, since killing the hostile NPC in such cases will get you expelled from your group.

After a number of brawls, the hostile NPC may submit to you and turn to a state of neutrality if you see the following comments.

  1. "Alright, you win (player name)! I don't want any more beef with you..."
  2. "You're tougher than me, (player name)! I don't want any trouble with you..."
  3. "You're stronger than me, (player name)! I don't want any trouble with you..."
  4. "You're faster than me, (player name)! I don't want any trouble with you...

Gaining Enemies[]

You may want to avoid or explore the following which will earn you enemies, depending on what your goals in the game are. Alternatively, the editor allows one to change your enemies (or remove yourself as the enemy of some other NPC). Friends, Partners, and Lovers are mutually exclusive from your Enemies. If you use the editor to change your enemy to a friend, partner, or lover he or she automatically ceases to be your enemy

  • Serial Murder - Exceeding 3 or more murders will cause some NPCs in-game as you to call you out for being a common danger or a 'greater threat than the zombies'. This occurs only one time, usually upon the first few minutes of starting up the game (includes starting saved games). When this occurs, everyone in that location, even friendly NPCs, will turn against you and start attacking you, and it's best to flee to an empty area to counterattack or to another location altogether. The only exceptions to a friendly NPC betraying you are Masters who do not attack people or Rogues who embrace murder in itself. Additionally, killing more people may prompt NPCs who are not already hostile to attack you as they deem you to be creating more zombies.
    • "Do you realise that XXX people have died since you come here? One thing we can all agree on is that the world would be a lot safer if you weren't in it! That's why none of us will stop until YOU are the one that's dead!"
    • "Do you realize that (dead NPC) was the XXXth person you've killed? You're an even bigger threat than the zombies!"
    • "Was it really necessary to kill (dead NPC)? All you did was to create another Zombie!"
  • Grievances - Members of the same faction will turn against you if you kill or brutally harm one of their own. The same will occur if you kill a friend of an NPC, who will then become hostile towards you.
    • "What you did to (dismembered NPC) was barbaric! Perhaps I should show you how it feels?"
    • "Hey, (player name), watch who you mess with! (enemy NPC) happens to be a friend of mine..."
    • "Hey, (player name), everybody knows that you were responsible for what happened to (dead NPC). He was a good friend of mine, so I'll make sure you pay for what you've done!"
    • "An attack on one (faction member) is an attack on every (faction member). We'll make you pay for taking (dead NPC) away from us, (player name)!"
  • Grievous Harm - Dismembering (cutting off an arm or leg) anybody will automatically gain you an enemy, regardless of faction or alliance.
    • "Look what you've done (player name)! I'll be scarred for life because of you! I'll use whatever strength I have left to make sure you suffer even more!"
  • Killing Zombies - Killing zombies will offend the Protesters or Masters faction, who do not approve of violence against zombies. If you happen to decapitate a zombie that was a friend of an NPC, they will start attacking you as well.
    • "You sociopaths are even worse than the zombies! They may be brainless, but you're heartless..."
    • "It may not look like it now, but (zombie name) used to be my friend! Don't make me choose between you and him because you could never win, (player name)!
    • He may have been just another zombie to you, but (NPC name) was my friend. I don't know if I could have saved him, but you robbed me of the only hope I have left/chance to find out!"


Sometimes NPC will give you a task or missions. Here are tasks in the game:

  • Bring (item name) to a specific location
  • Finding someone
  • Attacking or kill someone
  • Cure someone from a zombie to a human
  • Grow fruit and veg trees
  • Bring (item name) to the NPC that give you the mission or someone
  • Digging a hole in a specific location by shovel or explosives
  • Getting rid of animals in a specific location
  • Going to a specific location that they tell you
  • Killing or getting rid of NPCs in the area that are not your faction member
  • Finding your friend/lover that they are trying to kill
  • Killing a specific zombie
  • Clearing an area that they mentioned of zombies
  • Craft an item from scratch and bring it to them
  • Waving a sign in a specific location
  • Using the camera in a specific location

Completing a mission will reward you with:

  • Gaining a new ally or friend/ gaining two new friends (if the task include two NPCs which is the task giver and the person that they mentioned in a task)
  • Have one of your stats increase by 1%
  • Gaining a lover (if the NPC is the opposite gender of your character or they are already your lover but they want you to prove your love to them)
  • Get an invitation to join their faction (whether you're a loner or not)
  • They reward you with an item that their holding
  • Your friend or lover will be safe but the NPC that give the task will still be your rival

Not completing the task will result in:

  • The NPC becoming your rival
  • You'll can get kick out of your faction (sometimes they will give you a second chance)
  • Your friend or lover will be dead if you don't complete that task where the NPC threatened to kill them

Other Relationships[]

Beyond the typical ally/enemy relationships between various NPCs and the player, this can manifest into more complex relations.


Partners are basically allies that tag along with you as you travel the map. This is useful especially if you dealing with areas of high enemy concentration, such as enemy faction bases and zombie-infested areas, since the NPC partner can aid in attacking the enemy which increases your chances of survival. An NPC becomes a partner when you accept a partnership with him/her. (see Gaining Allies - Accepting Partnerships). Some partnerships are temporary, such as when an NPC offers to tag along when you are assigned a particular mission. On other occasions, NPCs offer to partner you when you aid them in defeating common enemies, for example. Partnerships may or may not eventually turn hostile, as the NPC will proclaim to have been 'tired of living in your shadow' or that 'familiarity breeds contempt' and will thus start attacking you. This however is usually rare. When your child (with an NPC) would be considered as your lover's partner. Partners can be changed via the editor. You can have multiple partners by having multiples NPCs have you as their partner using the editor by purchasing the Infinite Pass.

  • "We make a pretty good team, (player name), why don't we travel everywhere together?"
  • "Thanks for meeting me (player name), how do you feel about teaming up?"
  • "I understand you are on a mission to (mission description), how would you like me to tag along to see if I can help?"




Characters "making out".

Character relations may further develop into romantic relations. This occurs only between a friendly NPC of a different sex from the player's character but the chances of such a relationship are random. After an instance of "making out", with at least one person being deceased your lover will introduce you to your child who is a friendly NPC, and subsequently, tag along with you along with his/her mother. From time to time, you may be asked to "provide for" the child by accomplishing missions assigned by the NPC.

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Introduction to your character's offspring

It is possible to enter a romantic relationship with more than one person. However, if caught having an "affair", your original partner will turn call you out and turn hostile towards your new partner or yourself, or both. Additionally, offspring from different partners have a tendency to fight between themselves. There are exceptions to this, however: From time to time, a member of your faction will offer you a chance to "make love with all " in order to repopulate the faction; Getting caught in an "affair" will sometimes result in the original partner requesting to 'have a threesome to share the love'; Lovers can also be changed via the editor, and it is possible to have multiple lovers this way.



The map comprises 46 different locations that can be explored by the player. It is shown whenever a player transits to another location, but can also be brought up in-game when the game is paused. Some locations are given color-codes which have several meanings:

  • Green - The green color on the map represents the home base of your aligned faction. These are designated by default, or changed by the player.
  • Yellow - The yellow color indicates your current location
  • Red - The red zones identify areas with zombies present. The darker the colour the more zombies are present.

Original Map[]

In the initial release of Extra Lives, the left of the map consisted of the full island from Wrecked, which connected to the Forest from the East (of the Island). The Bridge was initially beside the Dock on the right of the map and connected back to the Island, while the Snow and Beach locations were absent in this version. The island was however removed in an update to simplify the map, and the Snow, Beach, and Bridge were repositioned as such in the current map.

Using gym equipment like in other games, running, climbing stuff (which could instead make you fall and lose agility instead), fighting, almost getting killed and surviving(toughness), shooting at targets long ranged/beheading zombies (skill), crafting.

Strength: Picking up big objects, using a dumbbell.

Toughness: Getting seriously injured (health bar turns red and you see a square medkit icon replacing the heart icon), losing a limb, surviving a near-death experience (your health goes down to zero and you lay down, you have a chance to get back up).

Speed: Successfully throwing objects into the rim of the basketball hoop in the School Yard.

Skill: Crafting items quickly, successfully hitting a target with a ranged weapon, killing zombies' heads

Extra Lives Strategy Guide: 10 Advanced Survival Tips & Tricks to Remember!![]

MDickie’s Extra Lives is the latest iOS and Android game from the guy who brought us titles such as Wrestling Revolution, Hard Time, Popscene, and many others. As we’ve previously mentioned, Mat Dickie has quite the cult following in the mobile gaming scene, and with Halloween approaching not too long ago, he released this new title, retaining many of the familiar mechanics longtime players of his games are familiar with, but adding several new twists, such as the obvious ability to have a second chance at life as a zombie, and the subsequent ability to become human again. You can also align yourself with any one of eight different factions in the game, or choose to operate by your lonesome, trying to survive in a town that’s slowly but surely getting overrun by zombies. Can you make it out alive once everything’s been said and done?

Our first Extra Lives strategy guide had focused on the basics of the game, the very fundamental aspects of this new title that you have to remember while surviving MDickie’s version of the zombie apocalypse. For this second guide, we’re going to be going into greater depths and looking at some intermediate and advanced tips you should have in mind once you’ve memorized the basics and gone through a few play-throughs or so. Read on if you’re looking to survive longer in the game, even if it means having to live in zombie form for some time!

Stay Away From Big Fights[]

Just as is often the case in MDickie games, big fights can break out in Extra Lives. With so many characters that could fit in one screen, most of whom may be in a fighting mood, this could lead to some chaotic brawls where everyone is literally trying to kill each other. You want to stay away from these altercations, as you could easily get caught up and hit by a random weapon, fighting a battle you had actually wanted to avoid! That’s an easy way to lose energy points in the game, so if you want to stay alive for longer, try sticking to one-on-one battles. And that actually leads us to our second and third tips in this list.

Know Your Factions[]

Although allegiances could change as you proceed through the course of the game, those who know their pop culture may have an idea of who’s on the same side. The Fighters faction is generally made up of characters who are based on popular pro wrestlers, NFL players, and UFC fighters, the Soldiers are those who wear military, police, or even Ghostbuster uniforms, the Rogues are based on characters from comic books (i.e. Harley Quinn), literature (i.e. the Frankenstein monster), or television shows (i.e. Negan from The Walking Dead), and the Masters are mostly based on religious or magical figures (i.e Catholic priests, wizards). Those are just a few examples of the themes MDickie used when creating the factions of Extra Lives, so pay close attention to the factions of the people you interact with in the game.

As a bonus tip, you can play as anyone from any faction if you’ve got the paid version; otherwise, you can only play as a Loner, where your allies are typically MDickie’s own created characters and mainstays from his previous titles, including the likeness of Mat Dickie himself.

Avoid Fights If Two Allies Are Nearby[]

You may want to defend yourself from trouble, and that would mean putting up your dukes (or using or firing your weapon) when someone tries to mess with you. There’s normally nothing wrong with that, but one type of fight you don’t want to be involved in is one where you’re ganged up on by two, or maybe more allies from the same faction. For example, you’re better off avoiding Jay Enrico (the character based on WWE’s Chris Jericho) when Night Shift (based on The Undertaker) is nearby, and you wouldn’t want to fight one of the Native American-like characters when someone dressed like an islander-type is nearby, as both hail from the Natives faction. Those allies will invariably gang up on you and use their strength in numbers, as they see you as a common enemy. Better to run away and live another day, as they say!

There Is (Almost) No Sleep In The Zombie Apocalypse[]

Some MDickie games, such as Hard Time, will allow you to regain your energy by sleeping, and would have more than enough places for you to catch some shut-eye, with a handy “Sleep” function that allows you to get some rest. That’s not the case in Extra Lives, where the option to sleep is unavailable in just about every part of the town you may roam. The mechanics have also changed when it comes to the bars that appear on the top left of the screen, below your character name. No longer do they refer to health and sanity — this time, it’s energy and hunger, and if you want to replenish your energy big-time and make your attacks more powerful, the only way to do this is to get some sleep. But where?

The answer would be in the Bedroom, which is in the central part of town. That’s the only area we know that has a bed in it, but don’t expect to climb up on that bed and get some rest without a fight! There’s a solid chance you may enter the bedroom, only to find a zombie or another unfriendly character in there. Make sure you get rid of those characters, while also having something to eat before sleeping! After all, you may be roused from your sleep if you go hungry.

Other Sources Of Food[]

The Store, Arcade and the Cafe are the two best places to get something to eat because you can find food and vending machines (destroying vending machines will spawn 2-3 random food items with a chance to cause an explosion), and you will often times need something to eat in order to stay alive, and in order to replenish yourself after a rough fight with an enemy character. But there are other places where you can get something to eat, and we’re not just referring to random parts of the map where you may see some fruit or meat lying around.

As the game includes some animals that add to the human or zombie characters, you can kill some of those animals — these include chickens, rabbits, deer, and fish — and get some meat out of their carcasses once you’ve done away with them. But since you’re essentially attacking an innocent animal in order to satisfy your hunger, don’t expect your actions to go down well with everyone! You just might encounter someone who wants to call you out for animal cruelty, and when we say “call you out,” we also mean “attack you.”

Additionally, it would seem as if making out with other characters satisfies your hunger too, and strangely enough, we’re talking about the one in your stomach. That’s why it’s important to say “yes” to anyone who asks you if you want to “repopulate” the world with humans — somehow, that’s the way characters flirt with you in Extra Lives.

The Game Will Not Have You ‘Caught Short’[]

If you remember how things worked in previous MDickie titles, you knew how important it was to run to the bathroom in the event your character needs to relieve themselves. This is just a quick tip, but the good news here is that you can eat or drink as much as you could without having to worry about needing a trip to the bathroom.

Guns Do Not Have Unlimited Ammo[]

One good thing about firing guns in Hard Time and other MDickie games with firearms in them is that they came with unlimited ammo. That’s what made it so easy to launch ranged attacks in those games. But we’re figuring that MDickie wanted to make things more realistic in Extra Lives by limiting the number of times you can use the machine guns, rocket launchers, freeze rays, and other fireable weapons in the game. The game won’t tell you when your ammo is about to run out, but when you’re out of ammo, you’ll only be able to use your gun by hitting other characters with it, which, as you can guess, is not always effective, and completely counterintuitive to the main reason you’d want to use a gun or a similar weapon — the ability to attack from a distance.


Now rage-quitting is something you definitely want to avoid doing when you’re playing a multiplayer game. But in Extra Lives, which doesn’t come with any PvP mechanic of any kind, rage-quitting is actually encouraged, especially when your energy and/or hunger is hanging by a thread, with both bars completely in red. In these cases, if you enter a part of the town where there’s a lot of trouble, and you do end up getting in trouble, you can force-quit the game and restart it, allowing you to start right where you were when you entered the area. That should allow you to avoid the dangers, or possibly run to another part of town where you may hopefully find some food to restore your hunger and energy levels a bit.

The Ins And Outs Of Becoming A Zombie[]

It would seem that the game allows you to shift forms from human to zombie and back until your character dies once and for all. How does it all work in Extra Lives?

For starters, you can die once your character’s hunger and energy reaches zero, or if another character attacks you with the purple antidote. For a few seconds, the screen will appear as if it’s darkening, only for your character to get reborn as a zombie. As a zombie, you’re essentially on your last chance at life; while you may be stronger in battle, you will also move around slower, you won’t be able to run, and each time you get attacked, you’ll end up losing parts of your body, with the loss of your head resulting in death. On the other hand, there is a way for you to become human again, and that’s the aforementioned purple antidote.

You can find this antidote in random places around the in-game map, and it will usually come in the form of a syringe or a flask. Using the item on yourself while in zombie form will restore you immediately to human form, upon which the cycle begins again. You can also use the antidote on another character, though the catch here is that by attacking that character with the antidote, you’ll end up turning into a zombie while the other character becomes human!

You Can Become An Instant Parent In The Game[]

Remember what we told you about making out with other characters in the game? Well, let’s just say that even if the characters just kiss each other passionately for a few seconds, Extra Lives is pretty much rated PG. And that happens to have some consequences, namely, once you see your “partner” again, they will inform you that you did indeed help with the “repopulation” of the town, and that you’ve got a new son or daughter who will tag along with you going forward.

We haven’t gotten to the point where we see them grow into adulthood, but these “kids” of yours essentially act as “pets,” fighting alongside you throughout the course of the game.

You can even end up having separate children with separate partners, though there will be some consequences! First, your former partner will call you out on your “affair,” leaving you effectively and becoming your enemy. Secondly, while both of your kids will tag along with you wherever you go, they will ALWAYS be fighting. Also, expect things to get really weird on occasion — there was one instance where my older in-game offspring asked me if they could date the mother of the second child. Kids these days!

Extra Lives Beginner’s Guide: 5 Essential Survival Tips and Strategies for Newbies!!![]

The man who brought us one of mobile gaming’s best pro wrestling simulators (Wrestling Revolution 3D) and MMA simulators (Weekend Warriors) is back with another iOS and Android game that showcases his quirky, pop culture-centric humor and trademark fighting mechanics. Extra Lives is a new zombie survival sim from Mat Dickie, aka MDickie, and your goal in this game is to survive as long as possible in a world of “brainless zombies and heartless humans.” You start out by creating your own character, then go on to build relationships with 200 other characters who belong to eight different factions, who all hate each other and have their own beliefs, as well as solutions to what they see is the problem. The game has more than 50 locations, hundreds of interactive objects, and once again, MDickie’s “above average” combat system that longtime fans of his may recognize from games like Wrestling Revolution, Hard Time, and others.

Longtime MDickie game players should have a pretty good idea of how to go about things in this zombie survival game, but for the benefit of the new players out there, we’re going ahead and bringing you our Extra Lives strategy guide for beginners, where we focus on the fundamentals of the game, and the most basic things you have to learn in order to survive a little longer and adjust to the strange new world you’re in.

Go To The Grocery Store[]

Like in other MDickie games, your character can go hungry, and that could have untoward consequences if you go without food for too long. For starters, you can head to Chinatown, which is found in the Southeast area of the city; that’s where you will find the grocery store. There will be a lot of food up for grabs in the grocery store, so you can go nuts and grab as much food as you can. Best of all, you can be assured that the food is safe from zombies — they normally won’t be in the area, though this may depend on how far the infection has spread at a given point. If you’re having trouble with keeping your stomach happy and full, why not pay a visit to Chinatown? Chinatown is located in the south eastern region of the city, and there’s actually a grocery store you can enter here. Upon your first visit you’ll find a ton of food in the grocery store, so help yourself! Even better is that it’s usually safe – depending on how far the infection has progressed, in most cases you won’t find any zombies in here.

Make Sure You’re Properly Equipped[]

You can’t expect to go around fighting zombies with your fists alone — this isn’t School Days or Hard Time where you can survive in hand-to-hand combat! You’ll need to roam around town to find a good weapon you can use to defend yourself against your enemies, but when we say the word “weapon,” we’re using that term loosely — any item that you pick up in the game, even food, can be used as a weapon against zombies, and can be considered as a better alternative to trying to survive on your bare fists and nothing else. Still, you’ll want to be a safe distance from the zombies even if you’re wielding a weapon. Make sure you’ve got good spacing between you and your target, because you’ll never know when a zombie will try to grab you for a wrestling-style hold or throw, effectively neutralizing your weapon attack. Engaging a zombie with just your barefists is just asking to get bitten! Look around the city to find a weapon of some sort – you shouldn’t have to look for long, because just about anything in the world that you can pick up can be used offensively in some way. Just a simple stick to beat zombies with is better than trying to punch them. Even if you’re equipped with a weapon, try to keep your distance. Don’t just stand in one spot and swing away – be sure to space yourself. Zombies have a nasty habit of shrugging off your attacks and going for a grab.

Make Friends With The Humans[]

Extra Lives is a game that encourages you to be social, but not in the usual way we define it. We’re referring to your interactions with NPCs in the game, so if you see some humans walking nearby, it’s a good idea to approach them and befriend them. In most cases, they’ll complain about the zombies and be done with it, but sometimes you may actually end up making some friends, meaning that they’ll take your side if you get attacked. You will, however, want to be very careful after you’ve made yourself a friend. Due to the mechanics of the controls, it’s very easy to accidentally hit someone you’ve made friends with, and that could turn an ally into an enemy without a moment’s notice! It’s seemingly a staple of MDickie games, and it certainly applies here in Extra Lives, so be careful. Friends are always great in the zombie apocalypse! If you see humans walking around, try approaching them. Most of the time they’ll just say something about the zombies to you, and that’s it.

Look For A Backpack To Keep Your Stuff In[]

Backpacks are oftentimes a character’s best friend in MDickie games, and that’s the case in Extra Lives. But it won’t be that easy to find one, and you may end up traveling a distance before you find a backpack you can use. Once you find a backpack, you will then need to follow the commands to place an item inside the backpack. Hit both blue and red buttons at the same time to put the backpack on, and you’re good — you can keep one item inside the backpack, while holding another item and being able to switch those items around if needed. If you can find a backpack, it might come in handy. Backpacks can be used to store an item so that you can use it for later. Like other MDickie games, it’s a bit of a journey to do this. First, you have to find backpack.

As a bonus tip, this game seems to have a crafting mechanic, and in theory, it is possible to create a backpack out of materials. So far, we haven’t discovered what it takes to craft a backpack, but don’t worry too much if you can’t find one or make one — it’s merely a nice item to have around, but not a mandatory, make-or-break item. If you can find a backpack, it might come in handy. Backpacks can be used to store an item so that you can use it for later. Like other MDickie games, it’s a bit of a journey to do this. First, you have to find backpack.

Next, you’ll need to combine the item you want to store in the backpack with it. Then, with the backpack still in your hands, use the interact command (both blue and red buttons pressed at the same time) and you’ll put the backpack on. While crafting seems to still exist in this game, we couldn’t find the materials you need for the backpack, so we recommend just exploring around for it. Don’t sweat it if you can’t find on. As useful as they are, they’re not really required for surviving.

Grab Weapons At The Police Station[]

Last, but not the least, as far as this beginner’s guide goes, you should make an early trip to the Police Station if you’re looking for some sophisticated, high-powered weapons that could make mincemeat out of those zombies. If throwing weapons is your thing, there are grenades available. You’ve also got assault rifles and flame-throwers if you enjoy blasting away at enemies. All sorts of cool weapons are available at the cop shop, so make sure you’re heading there as soon as possible before the other humans (and the zombies too) call dibs on those implements of destruction! Friends are always great in the zombie apocalypse! If you see humans walking around, try approaching them. Most of the time they’ll just say something about the zombies to you, and that’s it.

Other times you might make friends with them, and they’ll come to your aid if you’re attacked when they’re around. Be careful though! Just like the other MDickie games, allegiances are fragile and it’s very, VERY easy to accidentally hit people you didn’t mean to. This can make and break friendships, so be careful with weapons. One of the first stops you should make is the Police Station. While there is almost mayhem guaranteed, there are some really good weapons in here. You can find grenades, rocket launchers, assault rifles, flamethrowers, and more in the station. Just be sure to go early so that other humans and zombies don’t make a mess of the place and steal the weapons in the process.

There you have it! This wraps up our beginner’s guide for Extra Lives. In case you know additional tips or tricks for the game, be sure to drop us a line!

Survival Tips for Extra Lives (It's quite long)[]

1: Resort to cannibalism. I know it sounds weird but maybe it's the best option since fruits are scarce and they're not everywhere in the city, so it's not such a bad idea.

2: Take a backpack with you. If you have a little common sense, you will know that it is a necessary accessory, it will not only serve to store something, it also gives your character that survivor style that will make them look great.

3: WEAPONS. These are also necessary if you want to survive, whether you use a firearm like a pistol or a melee weapon like a katana or an axe, it is always useful to carry one with you, I would recommend that you put the gun in your backpack and the melee weapon in your hand so you don't waste bullets for no reason.

4: Look around for cures. If you are like me, then you don't like to become a zombie, everyone is your enemy, especially the humans who see you as a threat. Looking for a cure will allow you to avoid all this, or you can also heal people if you are a good samaritan.

5: Try to form alliances or join a team. If you are lucky enough you will find people who want to make you part of their group or they will ask you if you want to be friends, it is important that you accept, since you will have people who watch your back, you will also find people who want to be your companion.

And that's it, when I think of new strategies for different MDickie games I will share them with you.

Extra Lives Updates In Order[]


"Classic" 1-handed control system is now more intuitive and allows you to handle multiple objects.

A priority system will assume which hand you want to use or automatically vary between them. Stand still to pick-up or drop, whereas holding a direction will always throw.

Re-arranged options allow you to fine-tune the button size for any device.

New faces & hairstyles.

Missing limbs can be restored more easily in the editor by simply changing that body part.


New 3-tiered gore option helps you choose the right level to improve performance, with blood stains now only used at the upper end.  

Characters who lose limbs are not permanently damaged and can be more easily restored in the editor or after Deathmatches.

Streamlined data reduces in-game saving/loading times.

Running doesn't have quite so negative an effect on health and hunger.

Camera offsets to allow you to see further ahead when driving.


Dead characters are restored at the beginning of a new game so that you can choose them again.

Curing people elicits either a positive or negative response.

People are grateful if you save their life (pick them up when dying).

Surviving death or injury increases your


Remarks about superior or inferior stats during fights.

Friends are more likely to offer their items or request yours.

The home of the "Rogues" is now the sewer instead of the subway.

Rogues are less likely to help strangers.

YouTube link.


New arcade-style "Hi Score" table.

Zombies can bite people from behind.

New missions include supply runs.

More opportunities to partner with other teammates on missions.

More truces, which do indeed prevent further aggression.

A handful of new remarks and storylines.

Variety of new wading and drowning sound effects.

The home of the "Rogues" is now the sewer instead of the subway.


Each group now has a home base (highlighted green on the map) where they congregate among their own and feel somewhat safe.

Steel chair from Wrestling Revolution returns as a handheld weapon!

New weapons include a pick-axe and a machete (may not be distributed until you restart).

Modified axe, hammer and knife.

The sword is now a samurai sword.

Lasers have less ammo but can be reloaded with crystals.

Smoother leg joints on white trousers.

Flames no longer damage performance by fading (set "Gore" to minimum if you are still negatively affected).


Explosions or flames can now set fire to each part of the body!

Blood stains all over the body as well as the face.

Blood stains gradually fade over time or in water.

Handful of new storylines and remarks.

Hunger is not so closely linked to the character's “Toughness”.


Classic 1-handed control system is now optional!

(See "Display" options and in-game guide)

New faces, hats and accessories.

New characters and slight changes to the default rosters.

Lots of new responses to fellow characters becoming zombies.

Zombies can no longer climb on furniture, which makes them useful for hiding.

Far limits in Deathmatches to prevent leaving the scene.

Eliminated players can control the next available team-mate in Deathmatches.

Less food and props laid out by default, placing a greater emphasis on survival skills.


New costumes for Halloween include

Frankenstein and a werewolf!

("Restore Default" to see changes to the rosters)

Streamlined map downplays the island from


All characters appear in their original form for Deathmatch selection.

Headless zombies cannot be cured or created.

Saving between scenes is now optional (in

"Display" options) if you find that it takes too long on your device.

All options are saved and restored properly.


The fighting in each installment of the game is self explanatory, but requires a lot of knowledge on mastering it. The game(s) also try to vaguely explain to the player how to fight by giving some hints via friendly NPCs or by using computers(does not apply in some installments.) This page is a tutorial and will teach you the basics on how to fight.

Each game has atleast a dedicated attack button, it is usually highlighted as the red button. This will be your best friend as a self defense mechanism. For quick reference, we will use the standard 5 button layout.

These are interchangeable in the settings in some games (Supercity replaces the G button with a B button, which ultimately replaces the function from grabbing to blocking.) And in some games, they cannot be changed (Wrecked)

The Basics[]

Simply tapping a button will produce the command for it. We will be utilizing only the AGR buttons, as the PT buttons are for interacting with the world objects.

Holding any direction will tapping a button will send out a stronger variant than its weaker counterpart, so keep this in mind.

As said by a wise NPC; “To punch, simply tap the A button.” There is no difference in strength if you tap or hold down the A button, so keep this in mind.

Holding any direction while tapping the A button (diagonal/forward) will send a stronger variant of the neutral attack, these can easily combo into each other, for instance:

A -> A -> Directional A

However, bear in mind that enemies will counter this by grappling your neutral attacks, so it may be a wise idea to Hold your punches to mix them up and keep your enemy guessing.

The G button serves as the main fighting mechanic and your best friend in doing large amounts of damage. It is the grapple command, and depending on your moves, can either throw or put your enemy into a chokehold. Pressing G again while grappling someone will release the, from your hold, so bear this in mind while fighting someone.

Throwing an opponent is as easy as pressing a button, either the A or R button will do the work, the A button usually doing the more safer variants, and the R button doing the more riskier, but damaging variants. The directional rule also applies to this.

The G button also allows for the reversal of an enemies neutral attack, by grappling at the same time they send out their attack, you can counter and send them into a chokehold. Your enemy can also do this, as said above.

Basic Combos[]

these are very basic combos that should allow you to deal some damage, they are as follow:

A -> A -> A

A -> Directional A

Directional A -> A -> A

A -> Directional A -> G

A -> G

these are very basic combos, and can usually damage an enemy pretty easily.

It appears that the combos you provided are for a specific game or game series, but without knowing the exact game you are referring to, I can offer some general explanations on how to use these basic combos:

1. A -> A -> A: Press the A button (or the designated attack button) three times in quick succession to perform a simple three-hit combo. This can be an effective way to deal consecutive damage to your opponent.

2. A -> Directional A: Perform a regular attack (A button) followed by a directional attack (combining the A button with a specific direction, like up, down, left, or right). This can add variation to your attacks and potentially catch your opponent off guard.

3. Directional A -> A -> A: Start with a directional attack and follow it up with two regular attacks. This combo can be useful for initiating an attack from a specific direction and then following up with more hits.

4. A -> Directional A -> G: Begin with a regular attack, then perform a directional attack, and finally finish the combo with a grab (G button). Grabs can be powerful moves that allow you to control your opponent or throw them for additional damage.

5. A -> G: Execute a regular attack followed by a grab. This combo can be a quick way to catch your opponent off guard and perform a grab move.

To use these combos effectively, practice the button inputs and timing to ensure smooth execution during fights. Combos are often most effective when you can chain attacks together without interruption. Additionally, understanding the game's mechanics, character abilities, and timing is crucial to maximize the impact of your combos during battles. Practice and experimentation are key to mastering the use of combos in any fighting game.

To use the combo "A -> A -> Directional A," follow these steps:

1. Press the A button (or the designated attack button) once to perform the first attack.

2. Quickly press the A button again to execute the second attack, continuing the combo sequence.

3. Immediately after the second attack, input a directional attack by combining the A button with a specific direction (e.g., up, down, left, or right). For example, if you want to perform an upward attack, press "Up" on the directional pad or joystick while pressing the A button.

By performing these actions in quick succession, you should execute the "A -> A -> Directional A" combo in the game you are playing. Remember to practice the timing to ensure smooth execution during battles and to maximize its effectiveness in dealing damage to your opponents. The effectiveness of this combo may vary depending on the specific game you are playing and the character you are controlling, so experiment and adapt accordingly.


The R button serves an important purpose in fights, as pressing both A+R will send the strongest variant of the attack, it is also the most riskiest, as whiffing the attack will cause you to be knocked down.

Note: This does not count for some moves, such as the drop kick.

Extra Lives - Characters[]

Extra Lives has tons of characters so it's hard to know which one is which. Here's a list of characters that I found. Please help me if I was incorrect on any of the characters. That'd be appreciated.


Calamity James - Indiana Jones

Jack Sun - Michael Jackson

Sarah Cross - Lara Croft

Rita Long - Ada Wong

Sea Dog - Jack Sparrow

Matty Brown - Marty McFly

Vikram Rajah - Siddiq

Rocky Fella - Jay-Z

Six Pack - Tupac Shakur

Mat Dickie - MDickie

Davey Blitz - Dan Bilzerian

Linda Cole - Sarah Connor

Chuck Wood - Guybrush Threepwood

Ed Blackman - T-800 (The Terminator)


Bar Mitzvah - Abraham

Blue Blood - Kali

Fatima Rasul - Fictitious

Guru Saffron - Guru Gobind Singh Ji

Mahatma - Mahatma Gandhi

Majestic - Merlin

Ryo Hamma

Master Sinclair - Obi Wan Kenobi

Pandava Prince - Fictitious

Ram Bahadur - Fictitious

Reverend Jericho - Gabriel Stokes

Banyan - Siddhartha Gautama/Buddha

Supreme Swan - Paramahansa Yogananda

Witch Doctor - Fictitious

Yeshua - Jesus


Cheryl Wheel - Fictitious

Chief Strongbow - Fictitious

Colorado - Fictitious

Kanu - Fictitious

Little Lotus - Fictitious

Poker Face - Pocahontas

Rex - Fictitious

Rolling Thunder - Fictitious

Safari - Jimmy Superfly Snuka

Shikoba - Fictitious

Tom Hawk - Fictitious

Tsunami - Maui

Wilson - Chuck Noland

Winowa - Moana

Amazon - Tarzan

Ed Stone

Manchild - Mowgli


Alvin Bronson - Abraham Ford

Angelo Gibson - Paul "Jesus" Monroe

Belle Hayes - Beth Greene

Chen Yung - Glenn Rhee

Dan Bowman - Morgan Jones

Derek Bowie - Daryl Dixon

Diego Caesar - Fictitious

Duncan McIntosh - Jack Black

Harvey Grand - Fictitious

Herbert Hayes - Hershel Greene

Jake Harper - Zeke (Zombies Ate My Neighbors)

Jeff Geller - Eugene Porter

Justin Cosby - Dustin Henderson

Kelly Cox - Carol Peletier

Kyle Miles - Carl Grimes

Leah Piper - Andrea Harrison

Leon King - King Ezekiel

Linda Hannity - Julie (Zombies Ate My Neighbors)

Mary Hayes - Maggie Greene

Monica Marquez - Fictitious

Melissa Guerrero - Rosita Espinosa

Natasha Boon - Sasha Williams

Rod Miles - Rick Grimes

Sammy Rai - Michonne

Scott Dickson - Shane Walsh


Bill Dunn - Bob the Builder

Belle Foreman - Susan Storm

Barry Rock - Barack Obama

Albert Noir - Edward Carnby

Helen Quentin - Hillary Clinton

Dougie Cooper - Cody Banks

Neil Page - George Lucas

Mr. President - Donald Trump

Kim Takayama - Taro Yamada

Les Miserables - The Miz

Shane Pence - Shaun(from Shaun of the Dead)

Lucy Elizabeth - Miss Elizabeth(from bioshock infinite)


Anna Kirst

Dale Weinstein

Hattie Jones

Josh Pallister

Virus - Miley Cyrus

Rebecca Firth

Menace - Eminem

Trigglypuff - Cora Segal

Kirk Stevens - Chris Hemsworth

Leon Gallant

Hazel Dyer

Gavin Rogue

Professor Beta

Colin Zeal - Fictitious

Piggy - Fictitious (Harold Gnome)


Block Buster - The Rock

Bernard Schwarz - Brendan Schaub

Brad Goodman - Bret Hart

Brook Laser - Brock Lesnar

Chi Guy - CM Punk

Emma Roused - Ronda Rousey

Frank Incensed - Scott Steiner

God of War - Ultimate Warrior

Greg McConnor - Conor McGregor

Hank Slogan - Hulk Hogan

Hugh Jazz- Big Show

Jay Enrico - Chris Jericho

Jim Rogue - Joe Rogan

Jimi Sierra - John Cena

Lance Monaco - Vince McMahon

Libby Rator - Chyna

Lola - Lita

Nightshift - Undertaker

Redneck Rosteen - Steve Austin

Ripper Ace - Triple H

Ryan Pippen - Roddy Piper

Whack Ax - Fictitious

Jordan O'Neil - Adrian Peterson

Abraham Finn - Doug Atkins


Buster Ghost - Ray Stantz

Chief Breaker - Big Boss Man

Clare View - Black Widow

Clive Hudson - Winston Zeddemore

Craig Richmond - Chris Redfield

Drew McArthur - Louis Tully

Darren Nameth - Barry Burton

Joel Slazenger - Fictitious

General Genecide - Sgt. Slaughter

Jane Rose - Jill Valentine

Judgement Dave - Dredd

Liquid Sid - Solid Snake

Robert Cop - Robocop

Stone Malone - Rambo

Sheriff Hawkins - Jim Hopper

Ken Lyon - Leon S. Kennedy


Buddy Murder - Marilyn Manson

Captain Tudou - Captain Hook

Clive Hitchens - Clarence Boddicker

Count Crimson - Dracula

Dean Majors - The Governor

Death - Reaper

Dark Matter - Darth Vader

Jameson - Jason

Foolproof - Pennywise

Frank Steiner - Frankenstein

Headache - Pinhead

Mannequin - Harley Quinn

Mark Bowie - Merle Dixon

Mike Bail - Kevin " Nailz " Wacholz

Miss Spell - Witch

Nate Mare - Freddy Krueger

Eight Figga - 50 Cent

Pain - Bane

Pussy - Poison

Rabid - Wolfman

Rainbow Slash - Chucky

Reagan - Negan

Rick Shaw - Rick Taylor(Splatterhouse)

Jameson - Jason Voorhees

Screech - Ghostface

Snake Skin - Snake Plissken

Wrapper - Mummy

Wyatt Sawyer - Dwight


The man himself, Mat Dickie, with an arm injury.

Injury is a gameplay mechanic in most MDickie games. Injuries can randomly happen when a character suffers too much damage. Injuries make characters unable to run, will significantly slow move speed, and can make characters fall at random. If you want to avoid that, then you will need to find either a crutch or a wheelchair to keep stable. Injuries can affect the arms, neck, head, legs, face, and ribs. Facial injuries only require stitches. In The You Testament, injuries can be healed with Healing power. In Super City, injuries heal faster if you are in Superhuman form.

Types of Injury[]

Face Injury[]

This is the most common type of injury, and the least serious. Your face becomes bloody as you receive blows to the face, and it gets more severe, until it's all red with blood. This injury has no effect other than temporarily blinding your character. Your face will heal naturally as time goes if you don't get hit in the face again. Sometimes a strong enough attack will leave the face bleeding in the last stage.

Mild Injury[]

This is the most common form of injuries. It makes you unable to compete for few weeks, and lowers some of your stats. It normally happens when you take too much damage, and is normally isn't visible outside of the character making an odd movement after getting the injury.

Serious Injury[]

This form of injury is less common however it makes you unable to compete for a longer time and lowers your stats even more. It happens when you take even more damage on top of your injury. In Extra Lives a part of a character's body is removed for serious injuries.


This form of injury is even less common, however it is the worst form of injury that you can survive because when you get it, it lowers your stats down to 50%, will make you unable to compete for many months, and it will take forever to get back to your old self. It also plays a sad sound from the crowd. It happens when you keep getting beaten up after you get a serious injury, and is visible as multiple serious or normal injuries.


This form of injury is the most rare, but it ends the career of the wrestler. And the person will be pronounced dead and moved to Legends, a place for people who passed away. It happens when the wrestler is brutalized past being paralyzed, and the person who killed the wrestler will be in trouble because their reputation will be in tatters. A memorial is also set up later. It will also play a sad sound from the crowd. Injuries can be caused by but not limited to falling off furniture; getting thrown against furniture, items, or broken furniture; taking flying attacks; explosions; dismemberment by other enemies (Extra lives);

Dead characters can be resurrected using the editor (Full game only), and in Super City, dead characters can be played and resurrected, but they will always end up in the ''Neutral'' group, no matter if they were heroes or villains. You can resurrect dead characters in The You Testament using healing power, but this will cost you half your health, and send you flying away. Also in The You Testament, after completing the game, you can resurrect as many times as you want.


This is the worst type of injury, and is only available in Wrecked, Back Wars/World War Alpha, Extra Lives, Wrestling Mpire 2008/Remix, and The You Testament. Occurs when a character's limb is completely torn off, resulting in a serious injury and severe bleeding. If one of your legs is cut off, you will still be able to stand and walk, but you will be unable to run. If both of your legs are cut off, however, you will be unable to walk, and will be crawling on the floor, as well as being unable to do most things like using items and climbing on furniture. If one of your hands is cut off, you will be unable to pick up items, but you will still be able to attack and drive. But if both your arms or both your hands are cut off, you will be unable to pick up items, attack, drive, and perform most tasks. Cutting off the head will always result in the instant death of a character, and is the only way to permanently kill a Zombie. The Torso is the only part of the body that cannot be destroyed. If all your limbs except your head are destroyed, you will be like a slug crawling on the ground, unable to accomplish most things, and you will slowly die. In The You Testament, severed limbs can be healed using high-level healing power.

Extra Lives Groups[]

The groups in Extra Lives, if one of them ask you to join their group, you are in it, however, declining them will make them your enemy. Here are the following groups:

Natives - a group of natives/tribals who live in an island looking for peace, they have a similarity to the Masters as they can ride all animals, their base is the beach. They approve of killing zombies, but not from their own group.

Masters - priests or worshippers, praying that there are no more zombies, their base is the church. They also have the ability to bring zombies back to life by grabbing them, ride all animals and have the ability to heal themselves through meditation. Killing zombies in this group is frowned upon.

Fighters - fighters who are presumably high-class at fighting zombies, their base is the arena. Killing zombies from this group is frowned upon.

Protesters - a group based on social justice warriors and AntiFa, who are against anyone that opposes zombies, possibly due to the fact they believe that anyone opposes zombies have "human privilege". Their base is the school. Killing zombies is frowned upon for this group but not people.

Loners - people who are not affiliated to any faction and are more likely to get invitations to other groups. Their base is the bedroom.

Soldiers - a group of military personnel and police officers who are trying to restore order and kill the zombies, their base is the police station.

Survivors - people who are trying to survive as long as possible and are very good at killing zombies, their base is the farm. Killing Zombies from their own group is frowned upon.

Civilians - a group of very rich and famous people who are trying to bring civilization back to its original state, their base is the rooftop.

Rogues - a group of murderers and outcasts who thrive on the zombie apocalypse and pillage/murder throughout the entirety of it and they reside in the sewer.


Strength is a stat in many of Mat Dickie's games, particularly Hard Time all the way to The You Testament: The 2D Coming. This stat helps to determine how much damage your weapon or your fists can give. There are plenty of ways to train this stat, including:

Eating meat, +1 (Applies to games having the Strength stat in it. Eating meat won't always work though.)

Lifting weights, +1 (If the dumbbell exists. Occasionally more than one point will be gained, potentially due to a glitch.)

Lifting furniture, +1

Fights, +1 (It is inadvisable, however, as this is the surest way to lose your health and die. If you just spam A, you risk losing intelligence during the attacks.)

The higher the strength, the more likely you are to knock your opponentdown with just your fist. If it is at max without being in superhuman form, you have a good chance of knocking said opponent down, even send them flying. If in superhuman form, you will ALWAYS knock the opponent down.


These are items that can be used in the entire series.

Melee weapons[]

All the items in the game can be melee, save for furniture. There are two types of melee weapons: blunt and sharp.

Sharp weapons are better at dismembering bodies and do a lot of damage. For example, a machete. Sharp weapons can cut enemies' limbs off easily.

Blunt weapons are objects like baseball bats and hammers. They are easy to find and very good at knocking enemies. The majority of the items found in the series belong to this type. From nightsticks to soccer balls. Of course, some do more damage than others.

Ranged weapons[]

These weapons are deadly at all ranges, but work better at a distance. In Extra Lives, they can easily dismember enemies at long distance. You can also use them for melee. If so, they belong to the blunt weapons list.

There are handguns, revolvers, rifles, machine guns, rocket launchers, flamethrowers, crossbows and bows.

Handguns, revolvers, rifles, flamethrowers, machine guns and rocket launchers are reloaded using Ammo items, while crossbows and bows are reloaded using wood.

Weapons like handguns and rifle have slow attacking rate but have a decent damage and are effective at killing zombies. Revolvers don’t seem to ever jam unlike handguns and rifles. Machine guns have a fast attack rate but deals low damage. Flamethrowers have a shorter range but can set enemy on fire and deal considerable damage. These weapons can usually be found in Military/Police areas, such as the Prison, or the Hangar.


These items are very dangerous when thrown, dropped or set on fire because they are likely to blow up causing an explosion. Depending on how close an NPC is to the explosion it can deal lots of damage and has a chance to dismember or set the NPC on fire. With good aim and coordination, you can down a bunch of enemies at once.

These are Grenades and Dynamite


A much less destructive version of Explosives, while they are intended to be used for regaining hunger they can also be used in combat. If any drink consumable is thrown they can burst. This burst deals far less damage than an explosion can and will only do much as sending the NPC flying or blinding the NPC. However, downing or knocking down the player's enemies can provide a useful advantage since the player only needs to beat them considered they are knocked down and blinded.

Drinks can be also used to spit attack on enemies, pressing both R + A (Run and Attack) buttons while having a drink at hand the player may use the drink to spit on an NPC which doesn't deal much damage but is guaranteed to blind them for a while.


These are furniture objects that have a chance to cause an explosion when destroyed, it is recommended to utilize these mentioned furniture if the player has exceptionally high strength by throwing them onto enemies (Cars cannot be thrown), be careful as it may backfire: Oil barrels, Desk with computer, Cars, Motorcycles and Vending Machines.


These items and weapons can cause an explosion ONLY when thrown and are very unlikely to do so. While it can deal damage it is not recommended to use these in combat, these are Camera, Tablet, Lightning Gun, Laser Gun, Ammo, and a Rocket Launcher.

High-tech weapons (Exclusive to Super City, Wrecked ,Back wars and Extra Lives)

Weapons such as the Lightsaber, Laser Gun, Freeze Ray and Lightning gun enter in these section. They are modifications of regular weapons using Crystals. They are hard to craft (Since Cystals are quite rare to find) But you can find those weapons in areas like the Spaceship, Hanger or the Time Machine.

High tech weapons are more advanced and provide more combat advantage and deal more damage. The Freeze Ray will freeze enemies in their position for a certain amount of time; The Lightning Gun will project lightning which has a chance to cause an explosion dealing more damage to the target; The Laser Sword is like any other melee weapon, but deals more damage; The Laser Gun projects a laser dealing immense damage when concentrated onto a target for a constant amount of time.


They eat other zombies, along with humans, too. They eat any edible object in-game, and can be eliminated by destruction of the head. In Extra Lives, when they die, they are placed in the "Deceased" category. A purple syringe or potion can heal them, and make them human, but it can also turn living characters into zombies. With the editor, you can manually make someone a zombie or turn them back into a human.

In Back wars, they are also the final faction that appears after future is defeated(or when future defeats past/present). The factions contain all units that have died before.


Consumables are items used to replenish your health and hunger meter. They can be cooked to boost up the energy income.

This page is only helpful for Extra Lives and Wrecked.


Vegetables and Fruit are the most basic food. They are easy to find and produce but they don't satiate as much hunger as meat, or other food items shown below.

In Extra Lives or Wrecked you can plant them with a piece of that food and wood or leaves. This is very useful so you don't die of hunger.

Risky Items[]

These consumables replenish the hunger meter BUT lower your health. They cannot be planted and can only be found on the ground.

The only two items in this section are the Cigarette and the Beer bottle. They can be found in urban areas, especially at the bar.

Food derivated from animals

This is the best food type. Animals and Vending Machines give it and can also be cooked for even more energy income. It can also be found laying around in random areas, especially in the Cafeteria. It is renewable due to Vending Machines and Chickens.

There is Meat, Ribs, Fish, Chicken and Eggs.

Special Items[]

These two are very special items and are really uncommon.

A potion is a special drink that can turn humans into zombies when consumed and vice versa. If the potion is thrown and it bursts it will transform every NPC in a small area around it, this can be useful for converting a horde of zombies all at once if thrown correctly.

A syringe is a variant of the potion that can be injected into yourself or other characters by hitting them with this object. It's very useful if you turn into a zombie and want to become human again. Outside of being found randomly it can be crafted by combining a blade with a potion.

In Extra Lives, these two items that will cure zombies, so if you find one, keep it.

Ways to obtain food


Slaughtering wild animals will cause the carcass to explode and yield meat and bones. It is not advisable to attack large animals such as wolves, tigers, deer and horses for food unless you have a powerful weapon to kill them with as they are difficult and dangerous to kill. Focus on smaller animals such as rabbits and chickens early in the game because they have low health and do not fight back when attacked (Chickens do).

Alternatively, using a sharp weapon such as a chainsaw or a lightsaber to dismember the legs or arms of a living human will also yield meat and bones that can be eaten. This is a horrible thing to do, though, and will give you a lot of enemies. However, if an NPC's arms and legs are metal, bone, or wood, it will not drop meat, only metal, bone, and wood, which can be useful for crafting items.

Another much easier alternative are Vending Machines which are found in places such as Arcades and Cafeteria, which yield random food items when destroyed. However, it has a chance to cause an explosion when destroyed. Destroying it from afar using ranged weapons or explosives is a safe way to destroy it; If your character has relatively high strength, he can carry and throw the vending machine far enough that the explosion cannot affect him.

Destroying and rebuilding the Vending Machine still yields food.

Chickens lay eggs, making chickens an infinite food source, until they die.


Beating up certain bushes and plants will yield vegetables. One single plant can yield multiple, but this will cause said plant to slowly degrade. Letting it rest for a while will make the plant start growing again. Alternatively, you can plant multiple trees or bushes to get more food without waiting.

Plants can grow in every environment, so you can have a tree in the hospital if you want. Be careful with where you plant these, however, because they take a lot of space in your screen. To avoid this, simply plant your trees/bushes somewhere near your homebase, thus saving a lot of space.

The Essence of the Game[]

The essence of the game is Survival

The goal of the game is to kill all the zombies, after you do this, the game will end, no, of course you can continue playing, but there is no special sense in this in principle.

The Basis[]

To survive in this game, you need to eat. If the school of hunger drops to zero, you will begin to lose health.

Food can be found all over the map, most often it is found in a cafe, bar and shop

You can also get food by chopping down trees or bushes, breaking vending machines with food or killing animals. Meat, although it is raw, can be eaten, but also food (any, not only meat) can be set on fire, in this case its effectiveness will increase. You can also drink alcohol or smoke, the hunger scale will be filled, but then your health will fall. By the way, don't overeat. If you continue to eat after the hunger school has reached its maximum, you will regurgitate and lose your health with hunger.

To regenerate, you need to sleep or you can use a first aid kit to sleep, click on your health or lie down on the bed or coffin, then your health will be replenished faster.You can also sleep sitting down. If your health is full or if your hunger is at zero, then you will not be able to sleep.

I do not advise sleeping outside from 21:00 to 7:00, from that time it is cold outside and you will slowly lose your health and sleep will be less useful.

But if you still need to sleep outside during the cold, light a fire. Take two trees and pinch R and P until they light up, then you can either throw the tree to the ground or leave them in your hands, no difference, and sleep. Life hack: if you try to sleep in church, then you will not sleep but pray. You can pray indefinitely, even if you are hungry or if you are already in full health, you can use this if you are on the verge of death and cannot find food.

Also, using R and P, you can rub the burning wood on the food to fry it, and, as I said above, in this case, the food will have more efficiency.

There are 4 stats in the game

  1. Toughness

2. Strength

3. Speed

4. Skill

Strength affects how hard you hit. To increase strength, you can find a dumbbell and swing.I don't know exactly what the speed affects, it seems to be the maximum health, but I'm not sure. I do not know how to pump resistance normally. Sometimes it gets pumped when you lose a limb or in other dangerous cases, so don't get hung up on staying strong. The speed affects... speed... To pump it, you need to run or climb on furniture (it seems).I do not advise you to sit on chairs, chairs, etc. for too long. this reduces the speed. The skill affects the success of your attacks in the capture. To pump the skill, take a bow, crossbow or firearm and start shooting at trees or rocks, just don't miss if you miss the skill falls. Also, sometimes some stats increase (or decrease) when you eat a certain one, for example, if you eat meat, you can increase strength.

How to Kill[]

To kill a person, you can just beat him to death. When he falls to the ground and begins to suffocate, he will either get up and have to be beaten for it, or he will die.After a while, the dead person will turn into a zombie and stand up.

But how to kill zombies? Killing zombies is already more difficult.Just beating him to death isn't enough. We need to chop off his head. The easiest way to do this is to knock down a zombie and start hitting him on the head with a weapon until his head "explodes" and he dies. I recommend using a chainsaw to kill. This is probably the most powerful melee weapon in the game. It does a lot of damage and cuts the heads of zombies well.


There are only 9 factions in the game.

1. (Loners)

2. (Natives)

3. (Masters)

4. (Rogues)

5. (Soldiers)

6. (Fighters)

7. (Protesters)

8. (Survivors)

9. (Civilians)

I will briefly describe each:

  1. Loners are People who do not have a faction, they are on their own. Outcasts don't stand up for each other, each outcast stands up for himself. The rogue base is home.

2. Natives-Love nature and do not like those who harm it. They can ride wild animals: Deer, tigers, wolves and bears, ordinary people can only ride a horse.The base of the Indians is the beach.

3. Masters are one of the best factions in the game. Masters can heal zombies and turn them into people. Instead of sleeping, the masters meditate, so they restore not only health, but also hunger. They can also ride wild animals, just like the Indians. But the masters have a lot of disadvantages. The masters are peaceful. They won't attack even if you hit them, they also won't attack zombies. Masters are not allowed to have a love relationship. Masters are forbidden to eat and drink certain types of food. Break the rules of the masters and you will be kicked out, after which you will become an outcast. The base of the masters is the church.

4. Rogues. These are mostly horror movie characters. If you kill people, most factions will condemn you, while the horrors, on the contrary, will support you.Horror Base-Sewer

5. Soldiers. -The main goal of the military is to kill zombies. They prefer to use firearms. Military base-police station

6. Fighters-Just like the military, fighters like to kill zombies, but I prefer hand-to-hand combat. The fighters are very strong, it's better not to fight them hand-to-hand. Their strength remains even after turning into a zombie, that is, if a fighter turns into a zombie, he will remain as strong, so be careful. The base of fighters is the arena.

7. Protesters are a special faction. They love zombies and hate humans. They kill people and don't touch zombies. If you play as a protester, your goal of the game changes: you don't have to kill all the zombies, but all the people. I'll tell you more later. The base of the protesters is a school.

8. Survivors are ordinary dudes who survive together. The base of survivors is a farm.

9. Civilians are also ordinary dudes who survive together. The citizens' base is a roof.

Everything Else[]

In the game you can very easily lose a limb. To replace a limb, you can go to the editor and get back a severed arm or leg, and if you don't want to do this, you can use iron pipes or bones. Take one of these and press the space bar to replace the severed limb. If your leg is cut off, you can also use a tree.

If you want to move around the map faster, I recommend using a car or a horse (or wild animals if you are an Indian or a master). I do not advise using skateboards, bicycles and motorcycles, it is very easy to crash with them. If you're driving, be careful. If you crash many times, the car will explode and you will fly out of it. You can lose your health or worse-a limb.

You can craft. To open a window with recipes, press the pause button or click on the clock and click on Recipes. To craft, take two items and press R+P There are also secret recipes in the game, for example, if you hit a branch with a hammer, you will get a cigarette. Experiment if you want to find more recipes. You can also use crafting to reload weapons. Wood for a bow and crossbow, purple crystal for laser weapons, ordinary bullets for pistols, shotguns, rocket launchers, etc.

Playing for Zombies[]

You've become a zombie, what do you do now?

You can try to heal. To do this, you need either a purple potion or a purple syringe. You can find them on the map or craft them.You can also try to find a master, if he considers you worthy, he will cure you.

Don't you want to be treated? Then you can continue playing as a zombie. Zombies are immortal (until they lose their heads).But they lose their limbs very quickly. It may get to the point that you will lose everything except your torso and head. In this case, you will not be able to heal from the virus, it remains only to use the editor. Zombies are VERY slow, they can't run. They are also very weak, but they can attack people and bite them. To do this, approach the person and grab him (to grab the person, press S). But be careful, the person you cling to can "lock you up" and hit you very painfully. So much so that you may lose a limb (or you may not lose it, if you're lucky). Although zombies are slow, they can use cars, horses and other vehicles, but they cannot use firearms. If you lose your head being a zombie (or a human), then the game is over.That's it, you've lost. And if you're a zombie, then everyone (except the masters and the protesters) will try to take you down, so be careful.

Playing for the Protester[]

You're a protester, what should you do? Firstly, don't kill zombies, secondly, kill people, thirdly, when all people turn into zombies, get infected with the virus yourself, that's all. Besides killing people, you can also infect them. To do this, you need either a purple potion or a purple syringe, they can also be used for healing, as I said above. But be careful, when you kill a lot of people, a random person will come to you and say that you are very dangerous, and that you need to be eliminated. From now on, all people (except the masters and other protesters) will hunt you, this is the main difficulty during the game for the protester.And yes, the most important thing is when you start playing for a protester - BE SURE to turn off reincarnation (I'll tell you what it is below).

Options---->Reincarnation Off


When an NPC dies in the game, with a certain chance he can reincarnate. The reincarnated person receives a randomly generated appearance and name, and he copies clothes from a random NPC.Fact:If you see a reincarnated person, he will tell you: Did you have a feeling that you were here in a previous life?

Reincarnation can be done more often or completely disabled in the settings.


Well, that's it! Now you are ready to survive and kill zombies. Go ahead!

Thank you for reading my guide. This is the first guide that I wrote and I hope that you liked it, and I hope that I was able to help you. Bye!

MDickie Saving Mechanics[]

On Exit:[]

In MDickie games, the “On Exit” saving mechanic ensures that players’ progress is preserved when they decide to exit the game. This feature is designed to automatically save the game’s current state, including character data, inventory, and world progression. By utilizing this auto-save feature, players can comfortably exit the game knowing that they can resume their adventure from where they left off the next time they play.

However, it’s important for players to be aware of any potential issues or bugs that may affect the auto-save functionality. Some players have reported instances where saved progress was lost due to glitches or errors. To mitigate the risk of losing progress, it’s recommended to manually save the game whenever possible and to periodically back up game data if the game supports this feature.

Between Scenes:[]

In MDickie games, the “Between Scenes” saving mechanic ensures that progress is saved when transitioning from one scene or level to another. This feature is crucial for maintaining continuity in the game, allowing players to pick up where they left off without having to replay previously completed sections.

When a player completes a scene or reaches a checkpoint, the game typically triggers an auto-save to record the current state of the game. This includes capturing the player’s location, inventory, health status, and any other relevant data. By saving progress between scenes, MDickie games offer a seamless gameplay experience, reducing frustration and allowing players to focus on the game’s challenges and objectives.

As with the “On Exit” saving mechanic, it’s advisable for players to be cautious and aware of any potential issues that may affect the auto-save functionality between scenes. Regularly saving manually and keeping an eye out for updates or patches from the game developer can help minimize the risk of encountering save-related problems.


Saving mechanics in MDickie games play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth and enjoyable gameplay experience. By understanding how the “On Exit” and “Between Scenes” saving features work, players can make informed decisions to safeguard their progress and enhance their overall gaming experience. Always remember to take advantage of manual save options when available and to stay informed about any updates or changes that may affect game saving functionality.
